Sunday 23 September 2012

Marc Jacobs Shawl: $1,800. Crocheted Shawl for Mom: Priceless!

Not even Marc Jacobs' crocheted shawl can compete with a personally-crocheted shawl for one's own momma :)
I crocheted a shawl last year for my mom, after ages of being asked to make one for her. I was only able to make one last year because I didn't have good yarns - until Rob got great yarns for me from Australia. They were bought from Morris & Sons, and called "Quartet" yarns made from 70% wool and 30% soybean fiber (8-ply).
Colors are called "Burnish" (left) and "Quill" (right)
I only had 2 sets of each color, and I had to work my way around the limited amount of yarn to be able to make a shawl. Luckily, their colors seemed to jive.
Because I was ignorant before of the importance of taking note of pattern sources for projects, I cannot provide (as of now) my source for this one. The pattern is very simple though. It's just made up of double crochet and chain stitches. I guess what makes this shawl unique is the combination of yarns I used. I got disappointed with my mom though when she had the shawl washed without reading the proper washing instructions for the yarn. The frills turned out to be a bit stiff because of improper washing.

By the way, it's not my mom modelling the shawl. :)
So if you can crochet, make something nice for your mom or a loved one. It's more rewarding that way...and it adds to the warmth :p


  1. I also make wearables for my mom.. which she wears and models for me.. she's very proud and will often tell people that her daughter made it for her :) it's priceless :)
